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Which is the clearest difference that I can see between the U.S. and my home country?

Although there are many differences, like food, the economy, weather, and politics, the clearest difference that I can feel is about relationships.

In my country it is common to see people chatting on the streets, having big street parties on holidays, or living in big group houses. Sometimes people experience more conflict because we have intense relationships.

In the U.S. It is not easy to see conflict among people. Behavior is usually polite (in my neighborhood many people could offer a smile), but at the same time it is harder to make real friends.

In the U.S. people maintain more privacy about their personal life, even when they are being friendly.

I think that many of the rules of American behavior are good for building relationships based on respect. I believe in my personal space, and personal life, but if taken to an extreme, it can limit the possibility of close relationships.

I know that this difference is mostly based on the economic system; people here need to work hard to pay for their lifestyle.

I don't want to say that in Mexico people don't work hard, but we believe that we must work in order to live, not live in order to work. Our priority is the family and our friends.

In my home country we need to reinforce our rules of coexistence, especially in teamwork, being focused on our own path, and trying to grow as a country.

I believe that our cultures can learn from each other.

Gerardo Camargo

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