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Capitol Tour with Interm II students

written by: Isa, Meneses and Sylvestre, Ndjiki


Resume of my Capital Tour.

It’s almost 10 a.m., we are almost grouped in Union Station with our teacher Ms. Irena, T Everyone is still there, We decided that we go on at the Capitol and hopefully the others students will be there. The wait is not long, around the road there is another group of students with their teacher Ms. Me young.

A few minutes after, we are at the Capitol. First star certain customary gestures. The elevation effects, transition, to RME, meticulous control. This stage, we are given each a decal, lived up one after the other. We access to the room at the red carpet. The instructions are clear, no telephones, no cameras, and no charter, quiet. Room has the appearance of a movie theater, it takes us through a film describing the founding of the United State of America, from Philadelphia to Washington DC. The War between the northern and the southern, part until the decision of the abolition of the slave. It film that also summarizes the three branches of the USA (THE LEGISLATIVE, THE JUDICIAL AND EXECUTIVE).

After this film introduction, each one features a earphones to follow any comment made by the presenter. We are passing from the august halls. Crypt room, finished 25 years the first president George Washington after I saw the Supreme Court and the capitol done, with 1ts 9 million pounds and 189 feet’s. I appreciate the photo and the stage of this South American woman named Fernando De Soto. With her pretty white dress on the occasion of his baptism Finally it particularly like the national statue hall (room symbols) turkey represents the strength, the woman freedom and the snake of wisdom.

I’m front this gigantic mansion, represents a sections power and builders today they are so longer alive, but this world 15 still talking about them. I appreciate this tour because it made me understand better and closely the realities of this country and are the decision making or beans from the country –

Day at the Capitol

We had the pleasure to share with our English classmates from G C C center at the Capitol, place that we went the last February 11th of 2015. The experience was really beautiful, rich and nicely nutritious intellectually, professionally, and human quality especially the College representative, our Teacher Ms. Irena, T and tourist guide at the Capitol Ms. Jenny. Both were super-professionals in each of their work and thank them could form part of this experience and practice our English in an intelligent and fascinating way to learn about the history of the Capitol and the legislative power of our country, our place of residence.

For many of us, it was not the first time we traveled on tours but this seemed we did with a group of friends that times were respected and was truly enjoyable trying to solve the problems presented in a good manner, as the delay of some people or trying to make the tour nice and warm, even with the cold of the winter season that came with us on our visit to the capitol.

Inside The Capitol we started watching a movie or video about the history of united states, as were the first steps to create the laws of the country, the huge nation that was formed in the centuries ago, and began building the Capitol, despite the economic problems, wars and the highs and lows of a this land and people who decided how they wanted to live. There we watched how the country began to get form.

Also within the tour you can see the gallery where is the capitol dome painting and the room where exposed statues of various emblematic characters of United states history, which gave an ideal or a willingness to change to be part of the law of this country , many of them fight for the rights and evolution of laws. The representation of freedom is also there in the room symbols and all the architecture that was designed in a way that is represented the symbols of our nation, the fruit that gives the American land and architecture that sought to imitate European style but with structures different that make it authentic.

I definitely hope to have the opportunity to be part of this type of tours as we did. This tour and the importance of that place, the professionalism with which the visit was handled, the vocabulary used and the knowledge that we got to have a guided tour. That day we realized and understood that we were in the Capitol, birthplace of the first dreams as a nation and where it continues to develop and making the future of our country. This Country is what it is because of people like us, immigrants for all parts of the world, with different views, living in different states and came from the different countries and societies with different ways of thinking, but all they have been known to agree on this institution to shape law and make the dreams of many and make the changes laws and reforms that in this times govern our lives as residents of the United States of America. The Capitol contains the history and heritage from the time of the first president George Washington and before until our days. Definitely is a place that everyone should know.

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